For more information, see Parent's Handbook

Service Philosophy
Our overriding philosophy links to the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Tamworth Montessori Preschool seeks to understand, interpret and implement the teaching of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Montessori methods of education. These methods foster a love of learning.
We believe that the combination of these methods of education gives children the best possible start in life. We guide each child towards their optimum development at their own pace.
EYLF and Montessori Education are holistic. They are concerned with the development of the whole child. We aim to provide an education for life.
The EYLF and Montessori approaches to education are about responding to the developmental needs of the child. (They are following the child).
We believe that children are self – motivated learners who explore their world as they pass through what is known as sensitive periods. That is times of intense attraction to certain activities in different developmental areas. We offer a versatile, natural, and sustainable environment that lends itself to these learning opportunities. In such a learning environment, the child develops the personal qualities of:
- Independence
- Self Confidence
- Ability to concentrate and
- Orderly work habits
The mixed age group of 3 to 6 years, and an emphasis on social development enables a strong sense of community to develop.
We protect the wellbeing of each child intrinsically through our safe practices, helpful and sustainable program, staffing arrangements and clean secure learning environment.
A supportive culture of ongoing quality improvement in which the learning and development of each child is highly valued, is driven by and reflected in the management and governance of the Preschool.
The day to day running of our preschool is shared by Mariko, our Preschool Manager and Fiona our Teaching Director. They are overseen by the Board of Management, a group made up of parents and community members.
Each family of an enrolled child must be a member of the Tamworth Montessori Association Inc. This costs $10.00 per annum. The Annual General Meeting is usually held in September of each year.
Regulatory Authority
Our Preschool complies with the National Quality Framework (NQF) including the National Quality Standard (NQS), the Early Years Learning Framework, the Montessori Early Years Learning Program (which is another Government Approved Framework) and the National Regulations (Education and Care Services National Regulations).
Our Preschool is regulated by the national body for early education and care – the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as well as the state licensing department in New South Wales.
To contact our Regulatory Authority, please refer to the contact details below:
NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate
Department of Education and Communities
Ph: 1800 619 113
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Locked Bag 5107 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124
Preschool Information
Our Preschool caters for children aged between 3 years and 6 years. We are open from 8.30am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday during NSW Public School Terms. We are closed during NSW Public Holidays and NSW Public School Holidays.
All Preschool families are members of the Tamworth Montessori Association Inc and pay an annual association fee. This association is the Approved Provider of the Preschool. Board members are elected each year at our Annual General Meeting. The members of the Board include: President, Treasurer, Secretary, Sustainability Officer, parent representatives and community representatives. The Teaching Director and Preschool Manager are non-elected permanent members of the Board.
Emergency Drills
Through out the year Preschool holds many emergency drills, which occur at any given time throughout the day. These are carried out in a well organised and orderly manner.
We try to make sure every child is attending on a day that we have rehearsals so that they are not confused or frightened. Because we try to make sure everyone has had a rehearsal it maybe that your child/ren have several rehearsals.
If there is a real emergency, the Teaching Director and Preschool Manager will ring every child’s family on that day to let them know that it happened. If a child comes home and says there was an emergency and we have not rung you, it will be a rehearsal.
An emergency evacuation plan is displayed in every room.
Under the NSW Public Health Act 2010, an approved immunisation form from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) must be provided at enrolment and also after the child has completed their 4 year old immunisations.
An Immunisation History Statement is automatically sent to the parents after their child has completed their 4 year old immunisations. However, parents can obtain an updated statement at anytime (up to the child being 14 years of age) by:
- Using their Medicare online account through myGov at
- Using the Medicare Express Plus App - LINK
- Calling the Australian Immunisation Register General Enquiries Line on 1800 653 809
Other immunisation records, such as the Interim NSW Vaccination Objection Form, Blue Book, a GP letter or an overseas immunisation record are not acceptable.
Children who are on a Catch-Up Schedule or have a Medical Contradiction to a vaccine will be excluded if there is an outbreak of that disease. These children will be excluded for the duration of the outbreak. Families will still have to pay for days that their child has been excluded.
Our Program
"Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society"
- Maria Montessori

We follow the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Montessori Early Years Learning Program. We aim to extend and enrich
children’s learning from three to five years and through the transition to Big School. We are committed to providing a developmental
and educational program which caters for each child’s individual needs, abilities and interests. Our program will continue to develop
as we use the relationships child have with their families and communities, working in partnership with families to ensure that each
child’s knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of our program.
Learning experiences are carefully planned by the Educators according to your child’s interests, strengths and the progress they make towards the five learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework and the seven educational outcomes of the Montessori Early Years Learning Program.
Montessori Early Years Learning Program
Becoming an active and healthy participant in the care of our environment
Communicating through expressive and written language
Understanding the value of the number system
Discovering the world we live in
Preparing the mind for intelligent observation
Practical Life
Preparing the mind for intelligent observation
Social and Emotional
Learning to be socially responsible and competent
Early Years Learning Framework
Experiencing belonging – knowing where and with whom you belong – is integral to human existence.
Childhood is a time to be, to seek and make meaning of the world.
Children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, capacities, skills and relationships change during childhood.